Karl Schubert Schule
Vienna Educational Center for Children and Adolescents in Need of Soul Care
Kanitzgasse 1-3
1230 Vienna

Doris Sandner, Petra Seitz
Tel. +43 1 889 46 36
Fax +43 1 889 46 36-15
E-Mail: office@karlschubertschule.at

Tereza Szabo (director)
Markus Hildenbrand (assistant director)
E-Mail: direktion@karlschubertschule.at

Martina Erpelding
Bozena Dabrowska
Anita Brunner
E-Mail: makreis@karlschubertschule.at

Karl Schubert School Association Board
Chairwoman: Tereza Szabo
Deputy chairwoman: Ruka Arafune
Secretary: Markus Hildenbrand
Kassier: Georg Daverda


Parents seeking school placement for their children or who are considering a change of school can register for an interview by phone via the school office. If admission to the Karl Schubert School seems advisable and there is place available in the appropriate class, it is usually possible to join the school at short notice. 

To do this, parents must:

  • Submit an application for admission and sign the school agreement
  • Determine their individual tuition fees in a discussion with the tuition group, and
  • Submit an application for funding to the respective funding agencies.


The public funding agencies (the Vienna Social Fund is responsible for Viennese children and adolescents) cover only part of the school fees. The cost difference is covered by the tuition fee. This individual tuition fee is income-adjusted.

In addition, volunteer work by the parents is also very much welcome, as the Karl Schubert School depends on them.

Civilian Service and Voluntary Social Year

At present, the Karl Schubert School offers places for nine civilian servants, who begin their service in September of each year. Interested parties should apply in advance at the beginning of the year with a letter of motivation and résumé so that we can invite them to an interview or try-out day. We also recommend that you notify the Civilian Service Agency of your wish to be assigned.

Civilian servants are assigned to work with us in the following areas:

  • as a classroom aide looking after children in need of soul care
  • providing maintenance and cleaning work in the school building
  • gardening
  • helping in the kitchen

The daily hours are usually from 7:45 am to 4:45 pm.

In addition, the Karl Schubert School is a recognized place of employment for those who have completed a Voluntary Social Year (FSJ).Interested persons can apply to the FSJ umbrella organization. You will be employed by us as a class aide looking after children in need of soul care.

Bank Details

Account holder: Verein Karl Schubert Schule

Bank Austria - UniCredit
IBAN: AT83 1100 0006 6197 9500