
freiRaum23 at the Karl Schubert School is an association for the promotion of culture, integration, and movement in Vienna’s 23rd District. Culture that deserves to be called such gets us moving not only mentally and spiritually, but also physically. It changes, stimulates, enlivens, and expands us, our perspectives, and our possibilities.

Integration presupposes the discovery and development of one's own potential: Until I have gotten to know myself and have integrated myself into my given, innate world and physicality, until I have learned to perceive and appreciate world around me, it is impossible to learn tolerance or to integrate the "other" into oneself, to appreciate and integrate others. Discovering one's own, perhaps unknown, hidden abilities, experimenting, trying out, improvising, and playing together inevitably leads to the appreciation of differences and diversity—integration in action!

Culture/art has nothing to do with easily digestible entertainment. By its very nature, it is that which stimulates and inspires us to creative activity, to work toward one's own dream: holistic personal fulfillment. Everyone who works toward realizing a dream bigger than themselves is an artist! The value of culture/art lies in its potential for change.

Space for change, for your dreams, is what we strive to provide: for creativity & new experiences, movement & lectures, courses, experiments, and performances of (almost) all kinds—an open stage!

For more information and the current program, visit